Jeans for Genes Day

Hello you. Yesterday was Jeans for Genes day. I had planned to write a fashion denim inspired blog on Thursday equipping you with some fabulous and fun (although slightly outdated) outfits to wear to work on the Friday. However life happened and with my 10K training and my attempt at baking I simply ran out of time.

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Get Inspired.

Welcome back.

I’m going to apologise for my absence but truth is I’ve lacked motivation and seriously lacked time over the summer months. I went gallivanting round Croatia for a few weeks with the boy, enjoyed days in the British sunshine with my girls, spent a luxury weekend in Monte Carlo with the familia pretending we were rich and famous and celebrated my brothers wedding.

However it wasn’t all sun, fun and laughter. (WARNING: this is going to get all personal and emotional – be warned). Continue reading

The Running One

As mentioned in my previous post The Family One I have been proactive with my running and have signed up for 4 races so far. I started running just over a month and a half ago, taking it relatively easy to test the water and ran just short of two miles. It took me 23.15 minutes, averaging at 12’19”/mile. Although this is a reasonable slow rate I was extremely proud that I had managed to run that far in my first run (without stopping either). Continue reading

The Family One

My family are a charitable bunch, which helps on the days when I am feeling a little less charitable or motivated. We have made a habit of signing up for the yearly Race for Life for Breast Cancer, with this year being the fifth year my family will take part. As a predominately female family my mum uses this event as a solid family get together (you know, one for the calendar!)  – in her eyes missing it would be like missing Christmas. Continue reading